Sloth LFO

Here’s an easy build from Nonlinearcircuits. The Sloth is a chaotic LFO that you can use to add some randomness into your patches. You can find the build guide, BOM, and schematics on NLC’s website.
It has two independent outputs. Small swings between +/-3V while Big swings between +/-5V.
The potentiometer is supposed to control frequency and patterns, but it isn’t that noticeable right out the gate. I tend to set it arbitrarily.
I’ve built this circuit twice – both times using point-to-point soldering and 3D-printed frontpanels.
You can download my panel’s STL from Github if you want to print it yourself. I designed it using my EuroPanelMaker library for OpenSCAD.
NLC provides some options when it comes to components for Sloth. Each with different cycle times.
- SLOTH - 15sec
- Apathy - 1min
- Super SLOTH - 15-20mins
- Stasis SLOTH - 1.5hrs
Refer to the BOM for alternative component values.

I didn’t modify the circuit at all, so here’s shot of NLC’s official schematics. Make sure to use bi-polar capacitors for C3, C4, and C5.

I’ve been using this one a lot since I built it. I’d like to thank Andrew of NLC for giving me permission to repost his schematics.