A super simple 2HP triangle wave LFO for Eurorack modular synth. This is roughly based on David Haillant’s Simple LFO.

My goal for this project was to try and check how components would fit within a 2HP panel.

My PCBs in this series were sponsored by PCBWay – a great option for prototyping. Use their Quick-order PCB tool to get an instant quotation on the files.

PCB shops use Gerber files for etching copper traces, printing labels, drilling holes, and other manufacturing steps. You can download my zipped Gerber files for a version you like and upload those into their website.
This build comes in two boards: Front and Main.
1.0. Initial version
I made a few mistakes in the first version of this.
- The footprint I used for the toggle switch was wrong
- I swapped the position of the Depth and Rate pots.
Other than that, the circuit works great.
1.1. Initial fixes
This one features fixes from the first version.
Title | Filename |
Schematics | MiniLFO v1.1.png |
Gerber Files | MiniLFO v1.1 - |
MiniLFO v1.1 - | |
MiniLFO v1.1 - BOM.csv | |
Interactive BOM | MiniLFO v1.1 |
I’m pretty happy with how this module turned out. I like to sum a couple of them through a CV mixer to get a bit of chaos. I might merge this into a single module later on.

Let me know if you’ve built it. Tag me on Instagram @benjiaomodular. I also have a couple of demos there!