This is a simple low frequency oscillator with triangle and square wave outputs. It is based on the LFO from Electroshmash’s Boss CE2 schematics.

I run this on +12V and GND, but it should also work with a +9V power supply.
My version has a toggle to switch between two capacitor values for C1. This controls cycle time/rate range. Higher values will result to longer cycle times.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to be a tutorial. It is only my documentation on how I built a synth module for myself.
I do not have formal training on electronics. Most of the time I decide on things by trial and error. There will probably be better ways of doing things but feel free to build this yourself and get inspiration for your own designs!

Here’s a 12-minute demo on my Youtube channel. Please do subscribe if you liked it!
There are a couple of things that can be improved with this design. First is that the sweep of the output does not totally go to zero. Some people might also prefer an LFO sweep from -10V to +10V instead of 0 to +10V that this one produces.
In the schematics I used a DPDT On-On switch because it’s the one that I had in stock. An SPDT switch will probably be enough.
Let me know if you’ve built it. Tag me on Instagram @benjiaomodular.